Dear Morse School Students and Families,
We had a fun start to our week with the monumental Solar Eclipse on Monday, students were able to share their creative poetry on our Live Stream this morning and we planted a new tree!
Solar Eclipse
We hope you had a chance to be outside and see the eclipse with viewing glasses. We were very excited to learn about the Solar Eclipse with our students this week and to enjoy a fun dance party organized by our Student Council. In addition, during our staff PD, we all went into our inner courtyard and enjoyed this special moment together as well!

Core Knowledge Language Arts/Amplify Curriculum
Our district has adopted the CKLA literacy curriculum after an in depth review process of multiple resources. Beginning next year, all students in grades 1-5 will be learning through CKLA. Emily Bryan, the CPS Director for PK-12 ELA/Literacy will be facilitating a Caregiver Zoom about the elementary curriculum adoption on April 25th. Please Register Here!
Changes in School Hours for the 2024-2025 School Year
We are happy to announce that through negotiations between the district and our educator unions, we will be extending the school day beginning September 2024. Extending the school day by 30 minutes allows for more instructional time, which can yield improved academic student outcomes. Teachers can delve into subject matter, provide individualized support, and engage students in meaningful learning activities. The additional time in the school day also allows us to differentiate for students based on what they need. Please join a virtual presentation on Extended Learning Time on April 29th from 6:30 - 7:30PM.

Drum Call
The next workshop is Saturday, April 27th, at 4:30PM in the Morse School Gym. Learn more and register at Please come join Morse School families and staff in the Morse gym for a free, vibrant celebration of West African dancing and live drumming!

Upcoming Events
April Break | April 15th - 19th
Special Start Celebration of Learning | April 25th, 8:30-10AM
Parent/Family/Caregiver Conferences | Week of April 22nd - 29th
Morse DPW Day for PreSchool & Kindergarten, Staff & Students | April 30th, 9-11AM
Principal's Virtual Tea | April 30th, 6:30-7:30PM (Zoom Link)
Extended Learning Time Presentation | April 29th, 6:30-7:30PM (virtual - link to be shared soon)
Morse Parent/Caregiver Workshop on Math, Literacy & SEL support | May 15th, 8:30-9:30AM
Wishing our students, families, and staff a sunny and relaxing April vacation!
Samantha Headley