Message from Chad Leith: September 12, 2022

Dear Morse School parents and caregivers,

The first week of school was a success at the Morse School, with lots of smiles, fun, and active learning! One important part of welcoming our students back is finding out about each child’s strengths and interests. Here is how you can help us get to know your child as a learner:

Please be sure to return the Family Welcome Survey you received in August with your child’s classroom placement. You can also complete the survey online by clicking here.

Please keep an eye out for a message from your child’s teacher, with information about how you can sign up for a September listening conference.

Please reach out to Family Liaison Amy Diaz at [email protected] if you are in need of any resources to support your child’s learning. Ms. Diaz helps to connect Morse families with essentials including supplies (backpacks, coats, etc.) and food assistance.

Join Morse School Council!
We are looking for parent representatives on the Morse School Council. The School Council is a leadership group of parents and caregivers, teachers and staff, community members who meet with me each month to work towards school improvement. We are currently looking to fill 3-4 seats and are eager to identify candidates who represent the diverse backgrounds and experiences of our school community. Being a Morse School parent is the only qualification you need to be a candidate for the School Council!

If you are interested in running for a seat, please send Family Liaison Amy Diaz ([email protected]) an email with the following information:

  • Your name and the grade level(s) of your child(ren);
  • Why you are interested in joining the School Council

Voting will take place through paper ballot at the September 28th Curriculum Night/Open House (each Morse School parent/guardian is eligible to vote). The School Council will meet virtually on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6-7:30PM beginning on October 20th.

Save the Date/Upcoming Events:

For additional upcoming school and community events, please be sure to check out Ms. Diaz’s September 2022 Morse Calendar. A hard copy went home on Friday in your child’s backpack.

Morse School Swag
Finally, if you are looking to show your Morse School pride, we have teamed up with Custom Ink to offer a range of Morse School gear in multiple styles and sizes. We have worked with the company to keep costs down, and any proceeds will go towards Morse School programming. Please click here to see the Fall 2022 Morse swag!

Thanks again for choosing the Morse School community for your child. I wish you all the best for a wonderful start to your week!


Principal Chad Leith

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