
Goals and Expectations
children working togetherKindergarten is an exciting and transitional year in the life of a young child. Kindergarten staff strive to foster strong home-school connections. The first several weeks of school are dedicated to helping children adjust to new surroundings and routines. Throughout the year, there is a strong emphasis on social-emotional and academic learning with the whole child in mind.

Activities are developmentally appropriate and include: sand, water, painting, play dough, music, cooking, gardening, writing, singing, drama, blocks, dramatic play, reading, math, computers, games, and puzzles.

The Responsive Classroom approach is utilized to create safe, joyful, and engaging classroom communities. Our school-wide PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) program further reinforces expected behaviors and routines which supports student success.

Each grade at the Morse School also includes a Basic Academics/Services classroom for students who have moderate to severe disabilities across various domains. Students are included with their general education peers to the maximum amount possible as deemed appropriate by the IEP team.

We guide our young learners towards rigorous, joyful, and culturally responsive learning through an approach that meets each child where they are and gives them a solid foundation of discovery and skills on which they can continue to grow.

Class Activities and Special Programs
In the past, some classroom activities and special programs have included:

  • Family gatherings
  • Field Trips (Franklin Park Zoo, theaters, local businesses, and more.)
  • In-house specialty programs (Windows on Wildlife, Bubbleman, puppet shows, and more.) 
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