Message from Principal Chad Leith: December 22, 2021

winter wish
“...To be a better friend.”
“...To do more math.”
“...To build a snowman.”
“...To have my own hamster.”
“...To recycle more.”
“...No more covid.”

These are among the “blizzard” of winter wishes that our students and staff members have posted in our Main Lobby (see photo above). Among my own winter wishes is that all members of our Morse School community enjoy a safe, healthy, and peaceful winter break!

Please Help Keep our Community Safe from COVID-19
As we continue to work hard as a community to keep our students, staff members, and families healthy and safe, I am once again asking for your help. If you have not done so already, please make an appointment to have your child(ren) vaccinated. With each positive case we identify within our school, we have an exponential number of close contacts to monitor through our “test and stay” program. Close contacts who are fully vaccinated do not need to participate in this program, which makes things much easier on Nurse Sam and the rest of our team. So getting your child(ren) vaccinated not only helps to keep your child(ren) and your family safe, but also helps to reduce the strain on our school’s Health Office. Thank you so much.

– For more information and vaccination locations, please click here.
– To upload your vaccination information, please click here to access the CPS Family Portal. If you have any questions or need help uploading your vaccination info, please contact Elaine in the Main Office.

Holiday Travel Reminders
Please also remember that the district has recently updated its travel policy. If you plan to travel over the winter break, please be sure to review page 4 of this COVID-19 Testing & Protocols document. Please note that there are differences between domestic and international travel, and also differences in the way we manage testing and quarantine for students, depending on their vaccination status.

Cookbook Appreciation
I want to share my sincere appreciation for all members of the Morse School community who contributed to our beautiful Morse School Cookbook. Thanks to the Friends of Morse and Family Liaison Kasey Clermont for the time and effort they put into collecting recipes and formatting them so beautifully, to the anonymous donor who made it possible for all staff members and families to receive a copy, and of course to the many, many families who shared their recipes, photos, and stories! I look forward to preparing some of these dishes over the winter break!

lost and foundLost & Found
Are you looking for your child’s water bottle, hat, gloves, jacket, or even sweatpants? We have three full tables like the one pictured here, piled with items that have been left in the cafeteria and other parts of our school building. Please have your child check the tables in the main lobby. Parents or caregivers, you can also set up a time with Elaine to look through the clothing for any lost items. As we enter 2022, it is best to label your child’s personal belongings. Our New Year’s resolution is to have more things found than lost!

For those Morse School families who observe Christmas or Kwanzaa, my very best wishes for a joyful celebration. And to all students, parents, caregivers, and staff, Happy New Year! May 2022 bring us all happiness, good health, and more opportunities to celebrate in community.

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