Message from Samantha Headley: February 16, 2024

Dear Morse School Students and Families,

Happy last day before vacation! We have had a busy week at the Morse – and showcased so much of it on our Live Stream this morning. We watched wonderful videos of Paint Night, fourth grade's collaborative art projects, our fifth grade woodwind's performance for our young students, and we learned about the Black History Month doors that our classes decorated in honor of African-Americans who have made important contributions through the arts. In addition, we had our grades 3-5 first semester awards assembly this morning.

Panorama Survey Data

On Monday, our staff examined the data from our Panorama Student, Staff, and Family School Climate and Belonging Surveys. We had data from our 3-5 grade students, 60 staff members, and 240 families. The staff identified areas for celebration and areas for growth as well as action steps we can take to improve. Our School Council met last night to also review the data and think about ways to build upon the successes noted in the family survey and also think about next steps to grow.

Read Across America Book Swap 

As we get ready for Read Across America Week, we are collecting book donations for our Morse School Book Swap. If you have any kid favorite books that you would like to pass along, please drop them off between February 7-27th.

Drum Call

Happy Black History Month 2024! Drum Call is a new program and this month, the team encourages you to...

* Honor the achievements of Black people in the United States, past through present

* Explore the history, art, and culture of the Black experience in United States

Register to join Morse School families and staff in the Morse School gym for a vibrant celebration of West African dancing, live drumming, and community building


Attend one or both events: Saturday, March 2nd at 4PM and Friday, March 22nd at 5:30PM. Register and learn more:


Upcoming Events

  • February Break | February 19-23 

  • JK/K Field Trip to Wheelock Family Theatre | February 27

  • Fifth Grade Field Trip to Harvard Museum of Natural History | March 1

  • Math & Literacy Carnival | March 7 from 6-7:30PM

Wishing you all a joyful, rejuvenating vacation week!


Samantha Headley

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