Do You Know?

Do You Know?
Posted on 09/27/2016
What to do when your child will not attend school?
Please call the Main Office 617.349.6575 (press 0 when you hear the speaking voice) to report that your child/children will not be in school before 9:00 AM. You can also inform your child’s teacher as well, however if your child’s teacher is also absent and the Main Office does not get the message, you will receive and automated call stating that your child has an UNEXCUSED absence from school.

What to do if picking your child up early from school?
Please make sure to inform your child’s teacher either by sending in a note or speaking directly to the teacher. If you have more then one child being picked up early please inform each teacher. You must come to the Main Office to sign your child out and the Main Office will call the classroom and have the child come and meet you at the office.

What to do if your child’s afternoon transportation plan is being changed?
You must call the classroom teacher or the Main Office by 2:00 PM. Or if you know of the change before you send you child to school send in a note. Our number one priority is to keep the students safe and make sure they get from school to their afterschool destination; last minute transportation changes make this challenging to do.

What to do in case of an emergency during school time?
There will be a recorded message on the outgoing voice mail at the main office (617.349.6575). There are school staff that are emergency callers who will begin to call families. Information can be obtained via the CPS web site or the citywide link line 617.349.6513. The City also has the capability of taking over all cable stations in an emergency. You can use the link line to check on snow cancellations.

Do you know about the Morse Student Handbook?
The Morse student handbook is distributed to all students Kindergarten through grade eight. In grades K-2 it comes home as a packet. In grades 3-8, it is located on the first several pages of the homework planners, which each student is given at the beginning of the year. Please make sure you become familiar with the content.

Where to find your child’s item that came to school but never came back home?
The Lost & Found is located in the school cafeteria. You can find items found somewhere in the building or left outside along the back wall, more toward the right hand corner (closer to the windows). Each year lots of items get “found” and placed in the Lost & Found, however the pile seems to grow and grow and grow. So if your child has lost an item please come in and check the Lost & Found. Please note: We donate all unclaimed items over December, February, April Breaks and at the end of the school year.

When are School Pictures?
Individual student picture day is usually in October. Students must bring with them the order form and payment when their picture is taken. No late order accepted. Individual student retake day is usually November/ December. This is an opportunity for all those students who were missing on individual picture day to be photographed. It is also an opportunity to have photos retaken if the original is unsatisfactory. The original photo packet must be brought back in full at this time. Class picture day is usually in the spring in early May.

Do you know about the Family Information Station?
Located in the Main Lobby near the Auditorium doors is the Family Information Station. On this organized Station you can find many helpful pieces of information. Featuring: copies of the CPSD school year calendar, the monthly Morse calendar & Newsletter, Title one monthly calendar, important notices, afterschool programs, out of school time activities and much more. Please stop by and help yourself to any material that you need.

How Morning Drop-Off/ Afternoon Pick-Up Happens?

Morning Drop off
: In the mornings drop off safety is a big issue. During rush hour everyone in the city is trying to get somewhere else. Please follow these simple rules to help your child get in and out of the building safely.
We would like you to keep in mind the following:
•If you can, please walk your child/children to school.
•If you choose to drive, try to park within a walking block to Granite St.
•We ask that you not stop in the middle of the street and let your child out, as this causes traffic tie-ups.
•Always have your child exit and enter your vehicle safely on the sidewalk side of the car (whether you are parked on the right or left side of Granite Street).
•For everyone’s safety, please cross Granite Street via the crossing guard at the intersection of Pearl and Granite Streets or the corner of Granite St. & Magazine St.
•Please DO NOT park in the handicapped spots in front of the building. We have students with special needs being dropped off and need these spots available.
•Please make sure to go slow and be aware of the second crosswalk on Granite Street located at the corner of Rockingham & Granite St.
•VERY IMPORTANT: NO PARKING in marked bus zones:
1) Located near main entrance
2) Located near door #9

Dismissal Procedure/ Afternoon Pick-up: For the safety of all the Morse School students, all doors remain locked until the very end of the day. We ask that all adults picking up their child/children wait outside the building at the indicated dismissal door or in the Main Lobby until 2:25 PM. We have children heading to board school buses and to “in house” afterschool programs, and it becomes very chaotic in the hallways if there are many extra adults standing or walking in the hallways.

What is the Cambridge Public Schools Visitor’s Policy?
“Safety First” 

Cambridge Public Schools has a Visitor’s Policy to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
The visitor’s policy has many purposes:
•To enhance the safety of students and staff while maintaining a welcoming environment
To easily identify visitors, volunteers and parents.
•To assist administrators, school staff, Safety personnel and police in identifying trespassers.
•To provide administration with the names of people in the school in the event of a school emergency.
Every visitor entering a Cambridge Public School during school hours is required to check in at the Safety Desk/Main Office at the Main Entrance. After signing in (print name), stating whom they wish to visit, the purpose of their visit, and showing proof of identity, a visitor’s pass will be issued. All visitors will be asked to wear the visitor’s pass while they are in the building and return the pass and sign out when they leave. Security/Office staff will verify appointments. Circumstances may warrant someone walking visitors to their destination.

Who to call if you have questions on any of the above?
Or questions you want an answer to? 
Call the Main Office 617.349.6575 Ext. 100 and talk to School Clerk Elaine Delaney, or contact Family Liaison Denise Sullivan by email [email protected] or phone 617.349.6679.
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