Many of the Morse School’s younger students had the opportunity to participate in World Orienteering Day. Our grade 5 students have learned how to orienteer this year and were able to introduce the younger students in learning how to orienteer. Morse School’s World Orienteering Day site happened conveniently over across the walking bridge at Magazine Beach. Here is one fifth graders reflection of the day:
The Morse School Participates in World Wide Orienteering!!
By: Abigail D, Grade 5 Student
It was such a wonderful experience Orienteering with my friends and the younger grades, this activity brought back recent memories of my first time Orienteering in this review I will tell you what is was like being a helper and my personal experience.
Being a Helper: I was helping out Ms.Roderick’s class (3rd grade) as well as Ms. Connelly’s class (junior kindergarten) both classes did an amazing job finding all the controls to be honest majority of the kids didn't need any assistance at all talk about independence!
However if they did need help I would run with them and help them find their controls along the way, it came to the point where a whole trail of children were following me.
My Experience: Finding the controls wasn’t easy an easy job. For certain courses we were given a map and the map would state a landform near where the cone is placed, for example the map would say *cone #44 is near water* when #44 would actually be near a path, I guess the volunteers for the Orienteering activity were trying to trick us, if so they did a great job.
To be honest, because it was challenging I had lots of fun I hope everyone in the Morse School had a chance to orienteer if you haven't what are you waiting for!
A Fourth Grade Review
By; Hermela S. Room E6
The Morse fifth graders hosted an amazing World Orienteering day at Magazine Beach. They arranged orange cones around the outdoor area, with a scanner and an animal associated with each cone. Visiting students had a list of animals they had to find. We scanned our cards in a specific sequence and could work our way up to more challenging cards. We even got to take a card home as a souvenir!
Fourth graders in E6 went to World Orienteering day curious, and we came back thrilled! The air was filled with screaming students asking where specific cones were. All you could see were blurs of people running from one side of the grassy space to another, as fast as their legs could carry them, with a tinge of excitement in their eyes, not wanting to stop. By the end, we were exhausted, but happy and triumphant. We thank the fifth graders for inviting us, and for all the work they put into making World Orienteering day an exciting, memorable experience!
Kindergarten Review/Thank you: