Message from Principal Samantha Headley: October 27, 2023

Dear Morse School Students and Families,

What an incredible week at the Morse School!  Early in the week we had our Morse Marathon and the sense of community and joy was strong. We were so proud of our students, the kindness, inclusivity and effort they showed that day. What a beautiful day! We are also so grateful for the end of the week that brought so much sunshine and warm weather - we almost forgot it is the end of October!

Healthy Friendships
This morning on our Live Stream, we talked to students about healthy friendships. We watched a video about "Friendship Soup" as well as a read aloud titled, "The Not-so-Friendly-Friend" and discussed the characteristics of a healthy friendship. We also shared a video of students sharing what they consider to be a good friend. Our overall message is that a healthy friendship feels good but also requires effort and sometimes boundaries. Please talk to your kids about what they consider to be a healthy friendship.

International Festival
The International Festival is an annual celebration of our diverse Morse School community, organized by the Friends of the Morse School. It is perhaps the largest gathering of the community each year, featuring a potluck dinner, activities, and live entertainment. Bring a dish to share for the potluck that represents your family and/or culture. Volunteer to help the event run smoothly. Wear traditional clothing that represents your culture. Host a culture table. Participate in various activities, try lots of yummy new foods, and enjoy the entertainment! Click here to learn more!

Scholastic Book Fair
The Morse School is having a Book Fair in our library! This is our first Book Fair in 6 years! It will be open to students from Wednesday, November 1st to Friday, November 3rd from 8AM - 3PM. All Morse students are invited to visit and purchase books and all classes will sign up for a time to visit the fair during the school day. On Friday, we will open it up to families from 5-6:30PM - just before the International Festival!

Cash? Credit? How do I make purchases? Feel free to send your child in with cash or Scholastic has also set up something called E-Wallet (click to learn more). All major credit cards are accepted. Checks cannot be accepted. You may also check out Book Fair Online: Click to explore the online purchasing options! Reach out to Ms. Pennell ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering. She is looking for help (restocking, directing children, general book fair support, etc.) on Wednesday-Friday. 

October & November Reminders
October 31 - Crazy, Fun Hat Day (no costumes please)
November 1-3 - Scholastic Book Fair
November 3 - International Festival
November 7 - No School for Students & Bake Sale for Election Day
November 9 - 2nd Grade Celebration of Learning from 8:45-9:30AM
November 10 - No School in Honor of Veteran's Day
November 13-17 - Caregiver/Parent & Teacher Conferences
November 14 - JK/K Focus on K Art Exhibit with Aimee from 8:30-9:15AM
November 15 - Early Release Day
November 16 - Principal's Coffee & Focus on Digital Media Conversation at 8:30AM 
November 16 - 4th Grade Celebration of Learning
November 22 - Early Release Day
November 23 & 24 - No School - Thanksgiving

Have a wonderful weekend!  


Samantha Headley

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