Message from Principal Chad Leith: December 14, 2021

announcementsDear Morse School Parents & Caregivers,

We reached another milestone in our slow return to a more normal school experience yesterday when we re-introduced 
student-led morning announcements (which are now being broadcast from the Library with the help of Ms. Pennell)! Our first four 5th graders (pictured on right) set a great example for the rest of the school. All JK-5 students who wish to lead morning announcements will have a chance to do so over the coming weeks!

Yesterday’s 5th grade announcers also helped us launch “Kindness Week,” when all Morse School classroom communities will take some time to create a poem, letter, drawing, class motto, or narrative, to demonstrate why kindness is important and how we can all be kind. These classroom contributions will be put on display as we re-focus ourselves around the core values expressed in our Morse Code:

Be Inclusive
Be Kind
Be Responsible
Be an Active Learner

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be one of the top stories in our day-to-day experience, and we continue to look for ways of doing our part to keep Morse School children, families, and staff members healthy and safe. Our friends at the Department of Public Health have shared that as of December 7th, 62% of Cambridge kids aged 5-11 had received their first dose of the vaccine! We want the Morse School to be a leader in community vaccinations, and I am asking for your help. If you have not done so already, please consider scheduling an appointment for your child to be vaccinated. Please contact Morse Family Liaison Kasey Clermont if you need help scheduling an appointment, or consider registering for tomorrow afternoon’s City of Cambridge vaccine clinic (more information here).

As outlined in the updated COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine Protocols that Superintendent Greer shared yesterday, getting all members of your family fully vaccinated will also allow you and your family to travel over the winter break without needing to quarantine.

Thursday 12/16 (6-7:30PM) - Morse School Council (Virtual Meeting)
At this Thursday’s meeting, I will share several updates, including the steps we are taking to re-introduce our school’s Core Values, our mid-year plans for monitoring students’ academic progress, our upcoming equity self-assessment, and our ongoing efforts to mitigate the effects of COVID. All Morse School parents and caregivers are warmly invited to attend (please register here). We currently have a parent vacancy on the School Council. If you are interested in serving as a parent representative through the end of the 2021-2022 school year, please let me know! To learn more about the composition of our School Council and/or to share comments, questions, or concerns, please visit the School Council Page on our website.

flyerMorse Clothing Exchange - Saturday 12/18 (9AM-3PM)
All Morse School families are invited to the Friends of Morse winter clothing exchange this Saturday, December 18th (9AM-3PM) in the Morse Cafeteria. We have gently used hats, winter jackets, pants, long-sleeved shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts in children’s sizes 6-12. You do not need to have donated clothing to come and pick up the items that your family needs. Thank you to Morse School staff and families who have shared the winter clothing that your children have outgrown. Please see this flyer for more information or to volunteer.

Please keep your eyes out for more community information in Family Liaison Kasey Clermont’s Thursday take-home email. My very best wishes for a wonderful last week of fall!

Principal Chad Leith
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