Grade 5 Girl's Day Memories

Grade 5 Girl's Day Memories
Posted on 06/20/2016
Written by: Leah Wedaman, Prionti Talukdar, Ayatt Eljack, Axelle Yanakakis-Carroll, Maimouna Yansane, Sayeeda Mahabir, & Rosa Boehm

Note: Many of the writers mentioned Brianna Duncan. We are proud to say that Brianna is a graduate of the Morse School and just graduated from Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. She is also one of the “Super Seniors” spotlighted here:
  • Me and more than 100 other girls joined together for the annual Girl's Day! Dedicated to teaching girls new sports and boosting their confidence about themselves. All the girls are given a nametag that says what sports they're going to do. After doing the two sports we are signed we join together in a huge orienteering match. I'm one of the only girls in my group that's been orienteering before so I instantly put myself in charge of the map. We ran to control 5 then 20 then 2 and then I lost track, but I had so much fun!
Brianna Duncan, a special guest speaker, answers all of our questions and tells us that even if people say that you can't play sports you can! Overall, Girl's Day was an amazing experience and quite frankly I like that boys weren't around. I only wish that we could do this every year because it was so awesome.
  • Girl’s Day was a really fun day. We as in all the girls in Ms. Bishop and Ms. Jearm’s class got to go to girl’s day. Girl’s day is when schools in Cambridge meet up at Danehy Park to do fun sports. There were girls from all over Cambridge. At first, we got to run down a really really steep hill and warm up. The sport groups were, Ultimate Frisbee, Zumba, Rowing, and Trunchbull. In ultimate frisbee kids got to pass frisbees to each other. Then after that, we had lunch. A few girls went with me to go hold guinea pigs. One was black, and one was gold. Then a girl named Brianna gave the most inspirational and unforgettable speech ever. She said, “You don’t have to do with what your friends say. If you want to do something else you can. Let your friends do what they want to do.”
  • Today I was at girls day at Danehy Park, at girls day we did rowing and tchocking ball. Then after that we went orienteering in groups of 4 girls. After that we ate lunch and met new people. Last but not least after all of our sport activities, we listened to Brianna Duncan's speech she was really inspiring she inspired me she said you could do anything you wish to do if you believe yourself. Then she asked if we had any questions and my question was what are you going to study.
  • I enjoyed my activities, which were Ultimate Frisbee (with Ms. OC!), and Zumba, which was my personal favorite. The orienteering was cool; I was put in a group with my friend from afterschool. Orienteering also was kind of annoying, because it seemed that Morse was the only school that has gone orienteering before so, no one really knew what to do. I would suggest that if they were to do orienteering again they should take the time to really teach to the other schools, like our school did. I had a lot of fun at lunch running up and down the hill with my friends. We laughed and talked, and re-did our Zumba routine. It was fun to have a day without the boys. I thought Brianna’s speech was very nice. I was happy she showed some Morse pride! It is amazing what she has accomplished since she graduated Morse. My question that wasn’t answered was, is she thinking of going to the Olympics one day. All around I thought Girl’s Day was one of the best days of 5th grade so far! 

  • Let me tell you a little bit about Girls Sports Day. Girls Sports Day is a day when fifth grade girls from different schools in Cambridge do all types of sports and different activities like rowing, Zumba, Ultimate Frisbee, Track and Long Jump. It was very fun. 

  • It was a nice, warm, cool day, last week when the fifth grade girls from all around Cambridge Schools attended to Danehy Park. We took a school bus with the girls from different schools and made friends along the way, talking to each other and enjoying weather. Once we got there, we had to get our t-shirts from the staff then we sat in our groups. Then the staff members gave us sticker cards that were placed on our shirts and said what sport group we were in. Some of the groups were rowing, zumba, ultimate frisbee and orienteering. The best activity that I liked was orienteering because we got to split up into groups with other fifth graders. So we got in our groups and started the course. We had a punch card and a map that was needed to take on the course. We only had 30 to 45 minutes to run the course, punch in cards and find as many controls as we could. My group punched in about eleven controls and that was a lot. After we finished the course I was elated making new friends and experiencing Danehy Park in a way that I had never experienced before. This was the best day ever in fifth grade.
  • Laughing girls, hand games and a bumpy bus ride? Yup, that is where I was on Thursday the 2nd of June. Where are we going? I’m sure you might know now by the title but the E7 and E5 girls were going to Danehy Park for the annual Girls Sports Day. And boy was it so fun!! But before all the activities started, all the Morse School girls were just lounging around and having fun!! But the most important thing learned there was trying new sports. They may seem quirky at first but no doubt you will love it in the end.
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