Build a Better World: Summer Literacy and Math

Build a Better World: Summer Literacy and Math
Posted on 06/09/2017
Summer vacation is nearly here! Our students have made significant gains this school year. We want them to continue this excellent progress and avoid the “summer slide” over break. To support student success, the Morse School’s Literacy and Math Leadership Teams have organized some great ways to encourage continued learning over vacation. This year, the Morse School has adopted the theme “Build a Better World,” based on the statewide 2017 summer reading theme. We are encouraging students to engage in math and literacy activities over the summer that will help them “build a better world” in their homes, in our school, and in the community. Students will participate in a Summer Learning Kick-Off the last week of school to motivate everyone to work hard to better themselves and the world over the summer!

During this year’s summer vacation, students are being asked to engage in a minimum of 20 minutes of reading/writing and 20 minutes of math every day. We’re encouraging students to find ways to use their summer learning to change the world, even in small ways-- get inspired by a book about Malala, use their math skills to calculate the number of toys and books they no longer use and then donate them to kids in need, write letters of appreciation to veterans or service members currently serving overseas-- the possibilities are endless! Students will track their world-bettering math and literacy minutes on a calendar that will be sent home before the end of the year, along with a BINGO card with suggestions for more fun learning activities. To assist with their learning efforts, students in grades 2, 3 and 4 also have access to our “Build a Better World” Google Classroom that will be updated with a variety of literacy, math, social studies, and science websites. Every Monday a message will be posted to suggest an exciting new website for students to check out. You can access this online classroom at

Families can help! There are a number of ways to promote summer learning at home over the break: Remind your children to fill out their BINGO card and record their learning minutes. Encourage your children to visit our “Build a Better World” Google Classroom and spend some time on the suggested educational websites. Moreover, encourage your children to find their own ways to build a better world!
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