Message from Samantha Headley: September 6, 2024

Dear Morse School Community,

This week we have been getting to know our students, building relationships and growing our sense of community. We've even had practice with our fire drill. On Thursday, Cambridge Fire Department conducted a routine fire drill and were very impressed with our response! 


Family Listening Conferences

All homeroom teachers will be reaching out to set up a listening conference with you. The CPS goal is for every family to have the opportunity to participate in listening conferences, where the parent/guardian/caregiver, student, and educator check-in for 20 minutes to meet each other, hear from the family and students about their needs, hopes, goals & dreams for the upcoming school year. Please be on the lookout for sign-ups. Once you've confirmed a time with a teacher, we ask that you give advance notice if something comes up and you are unable to attend. 


Media Releases

We love to capture moments of learning, joy, friendship, and teamwork at Morse! We often use photos and videos of our students in our weekly community livestream (in school only) where students can share their work, share about their culture, traditions, and participate in fun activities to share with the school. We also like to include some photos in this weekly newsletter. If you are interested in having your child participate, please complete the media release which can be found with  all annual forms in the CPS Family Portal.



On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, all CPP - Grade 5 students are dismissed at 2:45PM to their designated areas. On Wednesdays, all CPP - Grade 5 students are dismissed at 2:15PM. Please review the dismissal locations here.


Drum Call

Come join Morse School students, families and staff in the gym for a free West African dance workshop with live drumming. You can learn the dance movements, enjoy the music, and build and celebrate our community! Attend one or both events: Friday, September 20th, doors open at 6PM, or Saturday, October 26th, doors open at 4PM. Register and learn more about


Meet Our School Social Worker: Danielle Eggleston

Danielle Eggleston is the General Education Social Worker and 504 coordinator at the Morse School! Within this role, she support students and staff with the 5 competencies of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This includes supporting students experiencing big emotions with their transition back to learning, family and community engagement, SEL coaching, counseling services, data driven interventions, as well as crisis assessment and response. During WIN time, students work with Danielle to build self-confidence, reduce worry, increase self awareness, self regulation, social awareness and peer conflict. You can find her every morning at Door #12, in morning meetings with our classroom teachers, supporting SEL at recess and lunch, as well as facilitating schoolwide SEL WIN groups. Ask your student if they know Ms. E. and if they have had a chance to meet, talk or play in her office, or on the playground. If you have any questions, please reach out to her at [email protected]!  

Upcoming Events
  • Family Listening Conferences | September 9th - 27th (Information coming from Individual Teachers)

  • FMS Welcome Back Picnic | September 13th

  • Drum Call Dance Family Workshop | September 20th @ 6PM

  • CPP - Grade 5 Open House & Curriculum Night  September 25th 6-8PM

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week!

Samantha Headley

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