Message from Samantha Headley: October 4, 2024

Dear Morse School Community,

Although it was a short week, we said goodbye to September and welcomed October! Shanah Tovah to families celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

Who was Asa P. Morse?

Join caregivers, educators, students and members of the community to learn about the person for whom the Morse School is named in 1891, and to reflect and discuss how his legacy affects the mission and vision of the Morse School in 2024.

Live Stream

Wednesday was National School Custodian Appreciation Day and this morning we continued the celebration of our Custodians with a video of thanks. We also highlighted our third and fifth graders by having them share vocabulary words they've learned in school. Again, this is in conjunction with our School Improvement Plan literacy goal.


Morse Marathon

This year’s Morse Marathon (K-5) will take place on Tuesday, October 15th (Rain Date 10/17)! For those new to our school, the Morse Marathon is an annual school-wide fun run/walk that takes place at beautiful Magazine Beach Park. The event is aimed at promoting fitness and community. It also helps to raise funds for the Friends of Morse, a parent-led organization that supports enriching learning experiences for our students, along with other important volunteer contributions to our school. To volunteer or sponsor your student athlete, please visit the FMS page. Our CPP Mini-Marathon will take place on Thursday, October 24th - more information to come.


Fall Data Retreats/WIN Block

Our grade level teams have been participating in Data Retreats beginning this week to review fall student data to determine next steps to support our students. Classes in grades K-5 have three-four WIN blocks per week.  WIN stands for "What Individuals Need".  During the WIN block, all students are working in small groups and not missing whole class instruction. It is an opportunity for students to receive additional support in literacy, math, social emotional learning, ELL services and also special education services as prescribed. Each grade level team reviews student data regularly and groupings change over the course of the year based on students’ needs and educator recommendations.  

Drum Call

"Such a  fun night with a good sweat! I was smiling and laughing the entire time. Really great music and community building." –Morse School caregiver's experience with the September workshop 

FINAL Drum Call workshop at the Morse School for this academic year is Saturday, October 26th, doors open at 4 PM. Come join Morse School students, families and staff in the gym for a free West African dance workshop with live drumming. Register and learn more at www.drumcallcps.comThis workshop is provided by the Morse School in collaboration with Drum Call and co-sponsored by Friends of the Morse School.

Upcoming Events

  • 10/14 | No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day
  • 10/15 | K-5 Morse Marathon 
  • 10/16 | Fall Picture Day
  • 10/22 | Principal's Coffee 8:15-8:45AM
  • 10/24 | CPP Morse Mini-Marathon
  • 10/24 | Who is Asa P. Morse? 6-8PM Morse School Auditorium
  • 11/15 | International Festival & Potluck 
  • 11/12-11/26 | Caregiver & Teacher Conferences
  • Stay up to date with our Morse Events Calendar!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Samantha Headley 

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